Regional Assessment of Patent and Related Issues and Access to Medicines: Caricom Member States and the Dominican Republic (HERA)

Health Research for Action Final Report- Main Report, Vol. 1, 2009  

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Country Studies, Vol. 2, 2009 download here

The objectives of this study were: (a) to explore the possibilities of developing a harmonized, pro-public health regional (Caribbean) IP regulation and drug policy (to include generic drugs) framework; (b) to make recommendations on the promulgation/up-dating of IP legislation and regulation that will maximize TRIPS flexibilities while being TRIPS compliant; (c) to identify the requirements and process for establishing a regional negotiating platform for drugs; (d) to identify mechanisms for building/strengthening coalitions and negotiating positions at the WTO, and in bilateral and regional fora for ensuring access to drugs; and (e) to make recommendations on the adequacy of the systems in Member States for regulation of the pharmaceutical market to ensure the timely supply of safe, effective and quality medicines.